
Ready for a life changing lesson in fashion? Ok, here goes: THE TOP 10 THINGS A WOMAN OVER 40 SHOULD NEVER WEAR: Don’t  Listen  To  The Haters Wear Whatever Makes  You Happy! The idea that there are things that we should and shouldn’t wear because of our age or size...


Well what a winter we’ve had! It’s been so cold and grey and miserable that I was beginning to think it would never end! Luckily the blue skies have finally broken through and it feels like spring really is here. The warmer weather is a wonderful motivator, especially...


Ok, I confess: I have a sweet tooth. I always have, ever since childhood and I’ve always struggled with my compulsion to comfort eat. These days I’ve got it largely under control but there are certain times of the year when it seems that the whole world wants me to...


February = Valentine’s Day. That’s what most people think when they think of the month and how could they not? The shops are full of cards and chocolates and all things heart shaped (so much so that people barely even mention pancake day, which I think ranks much...


Welcome to 2023! – It’s time for New Year, New You! – Let’s get that diet started! – This time the exercise regime will stick! – You’ll be bikini ready by summer! …sound familiar? Frankly it’s the same story every year: the glossy magazines espouse a ‘new’ healthier...